Friday, 5 October 2018

Personal Content : University Life

"Personal Content : University Life" Blog

start at 06 October 2018 00:26

If you are still in school and you thought that university life is easy and fun, then you're totally wrong. If you think that university will be different from school life, then again, you're wrong. because basically, University is the last step of your school year. university is actually a school with fancier name. Believe me.

My university is President Univeristy : the most expensive private university in Indonesia. well, not really, i got scholarship so it's not that expensive, but still, pretty expensive.

and if you think that i probably think that university is the same as school only because of my university, then you are wrong, because i do my research. all of my friends from different university goes trough the same thing as mine. 
Image result for president university building
My University is an international scale, or probably easier to be said "international school" so there a lot of foreigner, and what i mean a lot is around 70-ish people. but still, if you meet them alone, it will be counted a lot. and don't get deceived that f it's international school, there will be no racist here, because in fact, there are a lot of racism over here, it's all based on my experience.

i'm not talking as if my university is bad, because in fact, even the second most popular university in my country, ITB also has this racism going around. again, based on experience, my brother study there, not like racism can be deleted though, so yeah.

i have international relation as my major. it means that i need to learn politics, one of the subject i hate the most. what can you expect, i hate politics by any meant. the reason why i joined this major is for social humanity problems such as gender equality or LGBTQ+ action, awareness about mental disorder or self love. well, not like i can complaint since it's my fault not to look further into the curriculum, so it's my fault.

and as freshmen, i have a lot to talk about, but since this blog is about the university life in general, i decided to talk about it in other time. i will do more sharing of my experience than actually stating facts or explaining topics starting next blog. this is just an introduction and that's the reason why this blog is like this.

so the main point of this blog is just to share the basic information of my university. where i study, what is my major and other things. one more things you need to know are : freshmen are obligated to enter dormitory for a year, aka. 3 semester, and that's exactly where i write this blog right now. my dorm room. i have a roommate from accounting major whom i don't really get along with but still able to manage. me and my poor ass cannot afford the room for one person so that's how it end up like that.

but life in university is honestly for me, more fun than school life. people said that senior high school is the best time in life because you feel first love, teen dramas and things, but in university, you can feel those things too, and you can add more stories into it, for example : i'm freshmen, and on top of that, it has only been 3 months since i get into this university, but i already stumble over this dramatic love story, difficult friendship story, inspirative story about awareness of mental disorder, and many others. and i will share them over here fro time to time, so please stay tune for that.

that's all my story.

"Personal Content : University Life" Blog

ended at 06 Oktober 2018 01:02

Table of Content

"Greisly's First actual content after 3 years of hiatus" Blog 

start being written at 05 oktober 2018 23:36 

greetings, Greisly81 over here :) now almost 18 years old. No longer in school, but in university instead. no longer an otaku (weaboo) but a fan of both kpop and anime instead. but still same cringey child in her heart.

time flies, and so are our dreams. people said dream big, and you will be big. that's exactly the reason why i begin to re-write my blog again, after neglecting it for 4 years. 

people change, and that's also the reason why i begin to start my blog again. i intended this blog to be some kind of anime blog, but i have different perspective now. i've begin to think wiser and i thought it would be a great idea to actually use this platform as a media to share my views and opinion.

so with those things in my mind, i decided that this blog of mine will have four main content :
1. Psychological content. Basically moral content, actually. i will write about moral like equality or probably talk about respects and things.
2. Personal content. This content will be me, talking about my life. my life which is full of dramas and immature decisions i've made in my life, basically me ranting my life out.
3. Fiction content. This content is everything about imagination. writing has always been my hobby and will probably will be one till i graduate from my university in three and half years (hopefully)
4. Random content. This will probably be more of like me sharing my artworks or me sharing my journal spread.

well, Anime related stuff will of course be one of the random content. and i'll be posting about it a lot.

that's probably how i decided my blog will be. i will not delete my old blog because no matter how cringey and weird it is, it's still me, and i think i did great at that time. i respect myself from those time so i'm not going to delete that one blog over there. 

that's all for this time's blog. i decided that i will write every blog in one go because that's just who i am. so please expect every blog will have date and time i begin writing and finish writing. 

thank you for reading.

"Greisly's first actual content after 3 years of hiatus" blog 

finish written at 05 October 2018 23:56

Thursday, 18 December 2014

My Biodata

Le Me
 Nyohohoho, minna-san! glad to be able to be here with you guys! i am quite new in here, that's why i am going to introduce myself!

My name is Greisly Tjengal And all my friends call me "Gres or "GC". Talking about my name, it's coming from english, "gracely" but since my mother never study english before and my father is can be said, not to good at english, tadan, my name become "Greisly" but it's pretty cool, isn't it? oh, and my birthdate is 18 november. yup, i'm scorpion! and just adding, i don't like selfie... but i do this for the sake of my study group, EOP.

I am actually 14 and i am in third year of my junior high school at Methodist Pematang Siantar. my school is at Pane street number 34 and it has a big field and 55 rooms. my class alone, is the first class if you get in from the first gate. (my school have three gates, so what?) it's about 45 degrees from the teacher's office. It has about 21 desks, 20 bench, and one teacher's chair. Inside the classroom, we, IX-A student's have one clock which is always been seen whenever sixth until eighth schedule come by, two broom, which we said as holy stick, one electric fan that always become our best friends whenever it comes to P.E. Even tough pretty simple, we able to live in harmony and fun together each day. Arguments, fights, shootings, and chatters, and cheats. Hahaha, as expected to be the smartest class of all. But don't underestimate us. We are the best when it come to socialize, imaginating, and hacking things. I myself is the mother of english and a real otaku in class, making some people call me wierd or crazy because i can related all things into anime scene.

Even tough i am pretty wierd, i manage to make a lot of friends at school and able to be..... um.... how could i say...... "one of the smatrest at class?" Nah, what's important is i am able to keep my ranking above the top ten or at least top twenty in my class, A class, the smartest of all other class.

Even tough i am smart, i am actually carefree about my study. you can rarely see me open my book at house because i'm busy watching anime, reading manga, laughing alone like crazy person because chatting with friends or just scribbling on my blog like this or making my stories at wattpad. this kind of things often making me thinking like, "what's today's homework again?"  or "am i going to have an test today?"  or even the worst, "if i remember correctly, i have an exam tomorrow.... but what exam?" and thanks to that, i have course to attend to. :'( but don't  worry, i'll get rid of them after this second semester.

Talking about favorite things, my favorite food is potato and peanuts. I don't know why but i just have liking to them since i'm born. While in the other way, i don't eat shrimp so much. Not because it's not delicious, but it makes my neck hurts. I don't know why.... but even tough like that, i still eats them anyway. If my most hatred food is of course onion and tomato. I hate them. Really really hate them that i want them just vanished from this world.

If my favorite food is peanuts and potato, it's easy to figure out what is my favorite drink. who can guess? it's easy to make, not complicated and low fat. that's enough clue. someone can guess?.............. i think no. okay i will tell you. it is called "teh-O" in Penang and malaysia,and it's called as.......... black tea, i think, in English. But in my country, we call it "Teh Pahit" and especially in my province, it's called "Tetong". it's just a mere tea, without sugar. Maybe all of you think like "Huwat?" or "WTH, she likes plain tea!" but you just need to know. i like it. it's a bit bitter if you first taste it, but if you continue drinking it, you'll actually like it, just like me! um,....... i don't think i like another drinks other from that. but i'm fine with anything served, except tomato juice. anything except that.

And just letting you know... i have an older brother in real world. and he is an otaku like me! but he will never let me watch his anime... nah, fine. i know all anime he watch, and i even watch opposite anime from him. like when he watch SnK, a new anime (well, i still think it's new because it's still trend, especially levi. just see, he's everywhere) i see KHR, a preety old anime(i almost cried when i type this... TT.TT). When he see Tokyo Ghoul, a tragic anime, i watch Free!, an anime with no blood at all. when he watch OHSHC, a school life, i see SAO, a virtual world when he watched HxH, an anime without things such as God, i see The blue exorcist, the son of satan.... but after he finished watched that, i often watched them too in my phone... Hahahaha, as expected from lil sis, getting old stuff from big bro.. but it's still fun to watch ^ ^

while i have an otaku big bro in real life, i have two in my imagination world. i have Yamamoto Takeshi (KHR) as my papa....n (i can't help myself! i call my father papa so i want another calling. but daddy or dad is just.... nah, not my type) i have Kaito (vocaloid) as my big bro and seto (mekakucity actors) as my second bro. and i have chino (gochumon wa usagi desu ka?) as my lil sis. Haruka (mekakucity actors) is my crush and Makoto (Free!) is my senpai. i also has koyuki (vocaloid; honeyworks; confenssion executive comitee love series) as my BFF and Ronald Knox (kuroshitsuji) as my partner in crime. i have gray (FT) as my ex... nah, i'm doing fine with him. but i feel sorry for juvia somehow so... yeah, we broke up. but he finnaly know this reason and we become friends! (yay!)

just you see, i really like KHR, that's why i make Yamamoto my father... and KHR is the first anime i found out myself!! it's all begin when... flash back : yay, now i get my own phone! let's see some games about anime stuff ~~ wait, what's this "anime otaku"? a quiz? great! *le download*............*download finish* yosh... *open this "anime otaku" and photoes of anime character pop out* heh, simple. this is conan, this is mikasa, this is sasuke, this is pina, this is gohan,.... what is this again?............. ah, rima! and this is........ what the heck is this? *pointed at verde and have an urge to know what anime* *clicked the "tell me what anime is this (20 points)"* and then "Katekyo Hitman Reborn" appeared. okay, gotta watch this! and going all around app store to get anime downloader. *time skip to the night time* "wat da fuk is this anime?!" *throw phone* (sorry, all character, author, and people works on this, and dear fans... but it's really the thing i think about this at first but then when i finish this, "i would never forget this last chapter, that epic fight, that "a momentary happiness" ost, that "canvas" ending and "listen to the stereo" opening.... i will wait for second season!!!") but then *the next week* i don't have any anime to watch... *play this "anime otaku" again* haah, what with this person... (Hibari-san) *and another "tell me what anime is this (20 points)" coming out* *"Katekyo Hitman Reborn"* "haah, again? nah, better than watch nothing.." *le watching episode 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,... because have nothing to watch.* End of flash back. well, even tough like that, once i get into eps 20+ i can't stop watching anymore even tough the most popular new anime, kiseijuu : sei no kakuritsu coming out and even my bro is obsessed with it.. i still loyal to my KHR..... until i reach that eps 203... at that time i'm like...
yes... snot all over my face. after that, i watch mekakucity actors because my boss, kin....... just say kin-san or i will be killed, suggest it to me. and after that, i am addicted to vocaloid and find out honeyworks..... and i'm addicted to their confenssion executive comitee love series, or easier "confenssion rehearsal" series. (hope hina will be with koyuki in the end. but hina x koutaro is also fine.... i can't decide...) nah, don't worry, i watched eps 203 of KHR every time i finished an anime just in case so i wouldn't forget it. (and every time i watched it, my tears is more than watching eps 48 of FT, Fantasia or FT the movie, or Ao no exorcist the movie. like i said, i cried like gon everytime i watched eps 203, while i just cry like hina in the end of "ima suki ni naru" (yup, the photo. the the real one is how i cry when i watch KHR... wait, no, mine is more worse than that...)

okay, enough with animes and myself... feel free to ask anything (FREE!!!! I like swimming!!! -_-') i will answer any question you want to ask..... even tough it would take some time..... sometimes....  so, until next time, matta nee~~

-Greisly Tjengal